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The difference between vitamin B6 and vitamin B12

Just like of vitamin D, there are different types of vitamin B. Vitamin B is beating vitamin D with a large lead in this regard because vitamin D has 2 types but vitamin has no less than 8 different types. The two best-known forms are vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, but what is the enormous difference between these two?

What is vitamin B in its entirety?

In terms of vitamin B, this also refers to vitamin B complex. That is the collective name for the 8 water-soluble B-vitamins. The different B-vitamins are: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B11 and B12. Each of these B-numbers has its own effect or work together as groups in our body. The best-known B-vitamin is B12, but B6 is a well-loved vitamin in many food supplements. The thing that vitamins in their entirety have in common is the fact that the human body can absorb these nearly only from animal products. In other words, people with certain food pattern must be very careful.

What does vitamin B6 do?

As previously stated, each B-number has its own effect or B-groups together provide for certain effects in our body. For example, vitamin B1, which contributes to a good energy household and the ability to concentrate. This is while vitamin B2 plays again a positive role for our nervous system, the renewal of skin cells and eyesight.

However, vitamin B6 does very different things. It deals mostly with our metabolism. Vitamin B6 does so by regulating the breakdown and build-up of amino-acids. These amino-acids are the foundation of proteins. Vitamin B6 also deals with regulating the hormonal activities and it is necessary for the growth process, the production of blood and reinforcement of the immune system and nervous system.

Cooperation of B-vitamins

There is a heavy burden on the shoulders of vitamin B6. However, this is not all, because it also often works together with its ‘little brothers’ from the B-complex. The trio of B6, B11 and B12 work together to offer a better resistance. B2, B3, B5, B6, B11 and B12 work together against fatigue, the strengthening of a clear mind and help with concentration problems.

Products with a vitamin B6 and B6 deficiency

Vitamin B6 can be found in animal products such as meat, fish, dairy products and eggs. Contrary to vitamin B12, vitamin B6 has the only great advantage that it can also be obtained from other food products. Vitamin B6 is namely also in nuts, grain products, vegetables and legumes. As a result, deficiencies hardly occur in the Netherlands. If unexpectedly, you would still build up a vitamin B6 deficiency, this could possibly result in anemia, decreased resistance and nerve disorders. In newborn babies, a deficiency can possibly lead to convulsions.

What does vitamin B12 do again?

As previously stated, vitamin B12 influences the human body and mood of people in multiple large areas. In addition to battling fatigue, strengthening the mood and resistance and helping with memory and concentration problems, B12 also helps with the energy household of the body. In other words, there is great difference with the effect of vitamin B6 in our body.

Is the difference between vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 still not completely clear to you, or do you have any other questions? Please contact us directly. We’d be happy to help you.